It's funny what catches your eye at a bike race. As the laps of the Druivencross in Overijse rolled by I saw a splash of gold and green. The colours belonged to the only single speed bike in the race.
Passing through the team campers at the end of the race I spotted the same green bike propped up against a car in the corner of the car park. A group of guys were crowded round eating pasta and having a laugh, in contrast to the custom campers and teams of mechanics around them. It turned out the bike belonged to Max Judelson of the Rock Lobster Team. After a quick chat I grabbed a photo of Max and his friends and headed home. 
After this chance meeting I reached out to Max to see if I could follow him during one of his races in Belgium. Credit to Max as he allowed me to shadow him during the UCI World Cup race at the Zolder race circuit. I've tried to record Max and the team's day in the images below.
Big thanks to Max (@maxhudelson), Drew (@drewliano) and Marek (@marek_engels) for letting me hangout with them. 
Bike Prep.
Camper life.
Moving on.
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